Hobo Radio

A show dedicated to homeless advocacy, anarchism, road culture, and hobos.  

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DONATIONS NOW ACCEPTED!!! See bottom of each page.

NEW!!! Now you can listen to the 3rd season directly on my site! Go to the Show Downloads page to listen!

NEW!!! KOWA-lp 106.5 is now streaming LIVE ONLINE!! Check it out at the Show Downloads page to listen!

Welcome to Hobo Radio! A show on KOWA-lp 106.5 Olympia, WA dedicated to homeless advocacy, anarchism, human rights, road culture, and of course, hobos. Airs every Thursday night from 7:00pm to 9:00pm (Pacific Time). Resist

I hope you enjoy this site. It will always be a work-in-progress, so keep checking in for updates and news.


First, I want to thank KOWA-lp 106.5 for hosting my show. I also want to thank Media Island International for hosting KOWA-lp 106.5. And ,of course, my thanks goes out to the City of Olympia for hosting Media Island International.. Finally, I want to thank my listeners for supporting this project of mine. See more Thanks...



So check out the site, then go to the Blog/Comments section and give me a buzz.



And don't forget to rate this site below. Thanks. Josh Ratliff.


Cost of the War in Iraq
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Instead, we could have built more than 4,085,810 additional housing units.

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Audio Streamed by the BroadWave Streaming Audio Server by NCH Software

Updated on: 11/2/08